Kathrin Feser

Contemporary Art Made in Germany


  • Winter Salon 2011

    Tuesday, 15 November 2011

    Wintersalon 2011

    Exhibition Winter Salon 2011 at the Galeriehaus in Nuremberg.
    Opening festivity Sunday, November 20 between 3 pm and 6 pm. Doors open at 2 pm.

    Participating artists:
    Georg Baier. Gisela Hoffmann. Margarete Schrüfer. Cornelia Effner. Rita Kriege. Linda Schwarz. Mechthild Engel. Markus Kronberger. Margit Sippel-Erlbacher. Daniel Engelberg. Lisa Metz. Andrea Sohler. Kathrin Feser. Petra Naumann. Heidi Sommerkorn. Barbara Geier-Häckh. Gabriele Olesch. Hans-Peter Stark. Marcel Große. Mathias Otto. Walter Thaler. Geli Haberbosch. Fridrich Popp. Sonja Tille. Heike Hahn. Joseph Raimond. Axel Voss. Anna Handick. Katrin Kaa Riedl. Klemens Wuttke.
    The gallery will present current positions in painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, and video. Come on in, and be thrilled. Almost everything is for sale. There will be a cake buffet and an eclectic selection of beverages for the opening reception.

    Admission is free!

    The exhibition runs from November 20 til December 20, 2011

    Wurzelbauerstraße 29
    Nuremberg, Germany
    open Tue|Wed 11 am – 4 pm. Thu|Fri 11 am – 1 pm. Sun 11 am – 4 pm.
    or by appointment, phone +49.(0)911.55338

  • pastcurrentandforthcoming

    Saturday, 02 April 2011


    Hi! I am inviting you to my show


    You will get to see what I have done since October last year, and some older work.

    So come on by Saturday night, April 9, 2011. From 8 pm on until whenever it will be a party and show, and/or Sunday afternoon, April 10, 2011, between 2 pm and 6 pm, then it will be a show only. Looking forward to seeing you there!

    All this will be in my studio on 342 9th Street between Harrison and Folsom in San Francisco. Ring the doorbell Nr. 213.

  • Featuring The Best Of The Bay

    Monday, 14 February 2011

    Artists alley

    Best Of The Bay – group show
    Opening reception, wine tasting and french appetizers.
    Saturday February 26, 2011 from 7 pm to 10 pm
    Admission 15 $ with mentioning my name, otherwise 20 $.

    You can visit the show until March 5.

    Artists Alley
    863 Mission Street, between 4th Street and 5th Street
    downtown San Francisco, across from Bloomingdales
    open Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat 11am – 7pm. Sun 1pm To 7pm. (Mon Closed)

  • PlanSpiel

    Sunday, 24 October 2010

    eine Schnur
    eine Schnur

    PlanSpiel – Art Prize 2010 by the city of Marktheidenfeld

    I am part of a juried group show in the Franck-House Gallery (the blue baroque townsman’s house from 1745) between October 30 and December 12 of 2010. The art prize, which is awarded every two years, runs under the theme of planspiel its category is drawing only. My contributions are two serial one string drawings in ink on paper. Each consists of two drawn lines forming a string, having only one beginning and one ending they wind and knot themselves across their big sheet of paper. Come by and see for yourself!

    Opening reception will be on October 29th, closing reception on December 12th, both times starting at 7 pm. Hope we get to meet there!

    Untertorstraße 6
    open Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat 2 – 6 pm. Sun and holiday 10 am – 6 pm

  • Running down on Milkey Way - again!

    Monday, 30 August 2010

    canvas nr. 5

    Running down on Milkey Way – again!

    I am inviting everybody interested to come and see the re-run of my solo show
    Running down on Milkey Way. Earlier this year these thirty pieces were presented at Galeriehaus Nord in Nuremberg, Germany.

    Between September 3 and September 19 Joachim Beßler will show the remaining drawings, paintings and sculpture in his gallery in Karlstadt, Germany. Galerie im Oberen Tor is located right at the South end of Karlstadt’s historic downtown. The three story old entrance gate was embedded into the city wall, and changed its purpose over the course of centuries from guarding to housing to hosting. On the weekend of September 11./12. I will also be there between 2 pm and 5 pm, and on September 18./19. I will be there even longer, from 2 pm to 7 pm. So come by and lets look at the show together while I will tell you about my time in San Francisco, and the californian circumstances that led to what you can see in the gallery.
    On September 18./19. Karlstadt is hosting its annual event called red & erotic which means the city will unveil all its cultural amenities – going on until late into the nights.

    Opening reception will be on Friday September 3, 2010 at 7 pm.

    Galerie im Oberen Tor
    Hauptstraße 77 ….......(Google Maps)
    Karlstadt am Main, Germany
    open Fr 5 pm – 7 pm. Sat|Sun 11 am – 5 pm
    and by appointment +49.(0)9353.2710